Adding a feature

Creating a feature that allows users to experience Spotify in full

*a project for Designlab


Leveling up the experience

Spotify is one of the biggest streaming platforms in the world. While it offers so many different artists, songs, and more, but there are so many features that Spotify offers that the users are not utilizing.



Bringing something new to the table

Creating a feature with continuity that benefits the user and the business


Doing more with limited space



Understanding and looking at what is working

For the UI refresh, I looked at popular apps and how they compartmentalize products and present it clearly to their users.

I felt that the retail market does extremely well with what I envisioned and inspired by so I looked at two of the world popular retail companies: Nike and Adidas.



Putting the idea on paper


After researching how companies present high volumes of products and is able to make it user-friendly and usable for users, I made quick sketches of ideas based on my research

With the initial ideation of the carousel, I wanted to establish the user-flow and their journey of using the carousel to navigate the app


After creating this flow, I gathered some data from user interviews and surveys on how they currently use Spotify


Using data to create our idea user

Synthesizing the research to develop the personas

Meet Joshua!

Based on the research and data, Joshua is to represent the user needs and who we are focusing. Our users wants:

  • Get more out of their premium subscriptions

  • Easier access to other features of Spotify



Wireframes & Iterations

With the limited time to work on the project, I used some time to create simple mockups and wireframes to conceptualize the idea based on the sketch

By testing the iteration, the carousel received positive feedback. A change was made by elongating the carousel to cover to screen real estate and allowing visibility.



Helping the users experience with ease

With the initial sketches and lo-fidelity wireframes, I synthesized how the new feature would be used for user flows



Thoughts on the Next step…

I really enjoyed working on a passion project where I can use my creativity to explore the limitations and attempt to elevate the experience of a current app, like Spotify.

I believe with further tests will help determine how the users experience for an extended period time to understand certain mechanics and animations of the carousel


Elevating a local business


Trusted Insurance co. creating an online presence